Steve Kasch


Born in Billinge in 1976, a small village in Lancashire, Steve took an early interest in all things aviation. He fondly remembers his dad bringing out airfix models and trying to identify them at a very young age as they were 'flown' past his head.

The fascination led on to photography and he used to spend much of his time visiting the numerous airshows up and down the country photographing amazing aircraft such as the Vulcan, Lancaster, Canberra etc.

This new found love of photography soon progressed into a love of Motorsports with multiple trips to the '3 Sisters' race circuit just down the road to capture images of the local motorbike races.

A Very Young Steve Kasch Circa 1986

Steve's love of aviation soon developed into a passion for Radio Controlled aircraft which he took to like a duck to water, seen here still at a very young age. By the age of eleven, Steve had developed his skills sufficient to teach other club members how to fly.

The Cameo 60 by Steve Kasch Designs Circa 1993

By the age of sixteen, Steve had designed and built his very own aerial photography platform obtaining good results from a standard 35mm automatic camera mounted internally, looking out of the side of the aircraft.

Steve has had a varied working career spending time as a Mechanical Engineer, Fitter, Model Builder. Steve moved to Redditch in the Midlands where he became a Driving Instructor and setup his own driving school (Reddi-2-Drive) where he enjoyed teaching people to drive very much.

Eventually the world of aerial photography resurfaced with the new series of drones being developed. Within no time, Steve had constructed an 8kg 'Heavy Lift' multi-rotor aircraft with a sophisticated autopilot system. It wasn't long before he was snapped up by a developing company which became the first ever National Qualified Entity in the United Kingdom permitted by the Civil Aviation Authority to train and certify commercial unnamed aircraft operators. During this role, Steve developed the Basic National Unmanned Certificate (B-NUC) and created the Operations Manual review process, Flight Operations assessment process and even a rudimentary Airworthiness assessment process for the developing Dutch market.

Steve & Flyboyz Display Team Circa 2014
The VARIANT Large 'Heavy Lift' Unmanned Aircraft

In 2016, Steve left EuroUSC to setup his own business focusing primarily on practical skills training and help creating the Operations Manual document.

Steve also designed and constructed the VARIANT 'Heavy Lift' aircraft which was a four metre aircraft capable of carrying heavy payloads over incredible distances.

Steve Conducting A Flight Assessment

Around this time, Steve also setup his very own Civil Aviation Authority approved National Qualified Entity training and assessing commercial unmanned aircraft operators which proved to be very popular.